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Come visit for a spell.  Have a cool sip of lemonade.  On the Front Porch page, we'll tell you about the latest contest, share stories, and have a nice little chat.



For Book Clubs and Discussion Groups

We've added discussion questions for groups reading Candice's books.

Discussion questions for Island of Deceit

Discussion questions for Bittersweet


Island of Deceit Interview

Read an interview with Candice on Bargain of the Heart



GIVEAWAY – Randomly chosen readers who visit the chats and blogs will receive
books and other prizes.

See the schedule for Candice's events.




This recipe is featured in The Last Dance, the fourth book in the very popular Nottoway Series.  It was given to me by Dianne Massenburg.  Thank you, Dianne.

Mrs. Drucilla's Corn Pudding

1 15 oz. can of corn, drained
5 eggs
2 tablespoons flour
1 stick butter or margarine
1½  cups sugar
1 12 oz. can of evaporated milk (fat free can be used)
1 tsp. vanilla flavoring
1 box instant vanilla pudding

     Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly grease an eight-inch square ovenproof dish with butter.  Mix everything together except the corn, and beat, then add corn and mix thoroughly.  Pour into the greased dish and place in oven.  Let cook until slightly brown on top (approximately 30 to 45 minutes.)
     Corn pudding is delicious when it's warmed.  ENJOY!







Copyright 2014 Candice Poarch